Frank Lloyd Wright commissions

Frank Lloyd Wright Commission Titles

There are many variations of Wright commission titles found in archival inventories and publications. An authority list compiled for use on this site combines information from the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives inventory, the Frank Lloyd Wright: The Complete Works volumes (representing the last assessment of projects by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer), and The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog [updated 3rd edition] by William Allen Storrer. The authority list can be downloaded as a PDF.


Frank Lloyd Wright commissions, ordered alphabetically

Gale: House for Laura R. (Mrs. Thomas H.) Gale [Oak Park, Illinois] (1909)
Gale: House for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gale [Oak Park, Illinois] (1892)
Gale: House for Walter M. Gale [Oak Park, Illinois] (1892)
Gale: Summerhouse for Thomas H. Gale [Whitehall, Michigan] (1897)
Galesburg: Master Plan for Galesburg Country Homes [Galesburg, Michigan] (1947)
German: Warehouse for A. D. German [Richland Center, Wisconsin] (1915)
German: Warehouse for A. D. German, remodeling [Richland Center, Wisconsin] (1935)
Gerts: House for Walter Gerts, project [Glencoe, Illinois] (1906)
Gerts: House Remodeling for Walter Gerts, project [River Forest, Illinois] (1911)
Gerts: Summer Cottage for Mary (Mrs. George E.) Gerts [White Lake, Michigan] (1902)
Gerts: Summer Cottage for Walter Gertz [Whitehall, Michigan] (1902)
Gifford: Builder's Cement Block Plant for W. E. Gifford, project [Middleton, Wisconsin] (1946)
Gillin: House for John A. Gillin [Dallas, Texas] (1950)
Gillin: House for John A. Gillin, "Alladin", project [Hollywood, California] (1956)
Gilmore: House for Eugene A. Gilmore, "Airplane House" [Madison, Wisconsin] (1908)
Gilpin: House for T. E. Gilpin, project [Oak Park, Illinois] (1905)
Glasner: House for Mr. and Mrs. William A. Glasner [Glencoe, Illinois] (1905)
Glore: Residence for Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Glore, Jr. [Lake Forest, Illinois] (1951)
Goan: House for Orrin Goan, project [La Grange, Illinois] (1894)
Goan: House for Peter Goan [La Grange, Illinois] ()
Goddard: House for Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Goddard, scheme 2 [Plymouth, Michigan] (1953)
Goetsch-Winkler: House for Alma Goetsch and Katherine Winkler, scheme 1, project [Okemos, Michigan] (1939)
Goetsch-Winkler: House for Alma Goetsch and Katherine Winkler, scheme 2, project [Okemos, Michigan] (1950)
Goodrich: House for Harry C. Goodrich [Oak Park, Illinois] (1896)
Gordon: House for Conrad Edward and Evelyn Gordon [Aurora, Oregon] (1956)
Goto: House for Baron Shimpei Goto, project [Tokyo, Japan] (1921)
Grant: House for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Jackie Grant [Cedar Rapids, Iowa] (1946)
Green: San Francisco Office of Aaron Green and Frank Lloyd Wright [San Francisco, California] (1952)
Greenberg: House for Dr. Maurice and Margaret Greenberg [Dousman, Wisconsin] (1954)
Greene: House for William B. Greene [Aurora, Illinois] (1912)
Greiner: House for Mr. and Mrs. Ward Greiner, project [Kalamazoo, Michigan] (1948)
Gridley: House for Mrs. A. W. Gridley [Batavia, Illinois] (1906)
Grieco: House for Mr. and Mrs. Vito Grieco, project [Andover, Massachusetts] (1947)
Griggs: House for Chauncey L. and Johanna Griggs [Tacoma, Washington] (1946)
Griswold: House for Mr. and Mrs. George Griswold, project [Greenwich, Connecticut] (1949)
Gross: House for Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gross, project [Hackensack, New Jersey] (1956)
Grover: House for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grover, project [Syracuse, New York] (1950)
Guenther: House for Mr. and Mrs. William C. Guenther, project [Mountain Lakes, New Jersey] (1941)
Guggenheim: Annex for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, project [New York, New York] (1947)
Guggenheim: New Sports Pavilion for Belmont Park, project [Belmont Park, New York] (1957)
Guggenheim: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum [New York, New York] (1944)
Guthrie: House for Mr. and Mrs. William Norman Guthrie, project [Sewanee, Tennessee] (1908)
Gutierrez: House for Dr. and Mrs. James F. Gutierrez, project [Albuquerque, New Mexico] (1958)