Frank Lloyd Wright commissions

Frank Lloyd Wright Commission Titles

There are many variations of Wright commission titles found in archival inventories and publications. An authority list compiled for use on this site combines information from the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives inventory, the Frank Lloyd Wright: The Complete Works volumes (representing the last assessment of projects by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer), and The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog [updated 3rd edition] by William Allen Storrer. The authority list can be downloaded as a PDF.


Frank Lloyd Wright commissions, ordered alphabetically

Dabney: House for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dabney, project [Chicago, Illinois] (1949)
Dana: House for Malcom Dana, project [Olivet, Michigan] (1946)
Dana: House for Susan Lawrence Dana [Springfield, Illinois] (1902)
Daphne: House for Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Daphne, project [San Francisco, California] (1948)
Daphne: San Francisco Funeral Chapels for Nicholas P. Daphne, project [San Francisco, California] (1948)
Darrow: House for Mrs. Darrow, project [Chicago, Illinois] (1905)
Davenport: House for E. Arthur Davenport [River Forest, Illinois] (1901)
Davidson: Davidson Wayside Markets, project [none given] (1932)
Davidson: House for Walter V. Davidson [Buffalo, New York] (1908)
Davis: House for Dr. Richard and Madelyn Davis [Marion, Indiana] (1950)
Dayer: Music Studio for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dayer, scheme 2, project [Bloomfield Hills, Michigan] (1946)
Department: Department Store, project [Tokyo, Japan] (1921)
DeRhodes: House for Mr. and Mrs. K. C. DeRhodes [South Bend, Indiana] (1906)
Devlin: House for Mrs. David Devin, project [Chicago, Illinois] (1896)
Dobkins: House for John J. and Syd Dobkins [Canton, Ohio] (1953)
Doheny: Doheny Ranch Development, project [Beverly Hills, California] (1921)
Double: Double House, project [Oak Park, Illinois] (1910)
Double: Double House, project [Ottawa, Ontario, Canada] (1913)
Drummond: House for Dr. Alan Drummond, project [Santa Fe, New Mexico] (1949)