Frank Lloyd Wright commissions

Frank Lloyd Wright Commission Titles

There are many variations of Wright commission titles found in archival inventories and publications. An authority list compiled for use on this site combines information from the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives inventory, the Frank Lloyd Wright: The Complete Works volumes (representing the last assessment of projects by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer), and The Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Catalog [updated 3rd edition] by William Allen Storrer. The authority list can be downloaded as a PDF.


Frank Lloyd Wright commissions, ordered alphabetically

Ablin: House for Dr. George and Millie Ablin [Bakersfield, California] (1958)
Adams: House for Mary M. W. Adams [Highland Park, Illinois] (1905)
Adams: House for Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Adams [Oak Park, Illinois] (1911)
Adams: House for Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Adams [Oak Park, Illinois] (1913)
Adams: House for Mr. and Mrs. Lee Adams, project [Saint Paul, Minnesota] (1956)
Adams: House for William and Jesse M. Adams [Chicago, Illinois] (1900)
Adams: House Remodeling for M. H. Adams [none given] (1905)
Adams: Wood and Plaster House for Mr. Adams, project [Highland Park, Illinois] (1904)
Adelman: House for Albert (Ollie and Edie) Adelman, scheme 2 [Fox Point, Wisconsin] (1948)
Adelman: House for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adelman, scheme 1, project [Fox Point, Wisconsin] (1946)
Adelman: House for Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Adelman [Phoenix, Arizona] (1951)
Adelman: House for Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Adelman, project [Fox Point, Wisconsin] (1948)
Adelman: House for Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Adelman, project [Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin] (1954)
Adelman: Laundry for Mr. Benjamin Adelman, project [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] (1945)
Adler: House Additions for Arnold Adler (Sondern House) [Kansas City, Missouri] (1949)
Affleck: House for Gregor S. and Elizabeth B. Affleck [Bloomfield Hills, Michigan] (1939)
All: All Steel Houses, project [Los Angeles, California] (1937)
Allen: House for Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Allen [Wichita, Kansas] ()
Alpaugh: House for Amy Alpaugh [Northport, Michigan] (1946)
Alsop: House for Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Alsop [Oskaloosa, Iowa] (1948)
American: American System-Built Houses for Arthur L. Richards [Milwaukee, Wisconsin] (1915)
Amery: House for Nezam Amery, project [Teheran, Iran] (1958)
Anderton: Anderton Court Shops [Beverly Hills, California] ()
Angster: House for Herbert Angster [Lake Bluff, Illinois] (1911)
Annunciation: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church [Wauwatosa, Wisconsin] (1956)
Anthony: House for Howard E. and Helen C. Anthony [Benton Harbor, Michigan] (1949)
Apartment: Apartment Buildings, "Grouped Towers", project [Chicago, Illinois] (1930)
Architectural: House for Architectural Review, June 1900 [none given] (1899)
Arizona: Arizona State Capitol, project [Phoenix, Arizona] (1957)
Arizona: Art Gallery for Arizona State University, project [Tempe, Arizona] (1959)
Armstrong: House for Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. H. Armstrong [Ogden Dunes, Indiana] (1939)
Armstrong: Lake Tahoe Summer Colony for Jessie Armstrong, project [Lake Tahoe, California] (1922)
Arnold: House for Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark Arnold [Columbus, Wisconsin] (1954)
Ashton: Hotel for Willard Ashton, "Horseshoe Inn", project [Estes Park, Colorado] (1908)
Auditorium: Auditorium and Community Center for Spring Green, project [Spring Green, Wisconsin] (1958)
Auditorium: Detail Drawing for the Auditorium Building [Chicago, Illinois] (1888)
Auerbach: House for Irwin Auerbach, project [Pleasantville, New York] (1949)
Austin: House for Charcly and Gabrielle Austin, "Broad Margin" [Greenville, South Carolina] (1951)