Two sets of query procedures exist that were devised by John Geiger in the course of the development and use of his database. Database JGDBFull contains 133 query procedures. Database JGDB10 contains 176 query procedures. 45 query procedures are duplicated at least by title in the two sets; even when similar the report format may differ. Applied to separate or a combination of tables, these search formulas served a variety of research, administrative, and personal purposes. Study of the query procedures shows not only how Geiger conceived the use of his database, but also exhibits the extent to which he focused on particular subjects or relationships in his research. The majority of searches relate to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship community. The balance focus mainly on inventory of the Geiger library, archival holdings, art collection, and other personal possessions.
Each query procedure is described with a general summary of purpose, notes concerning result set content and relationships with tables, columns, or other procedures, and whether the query can be executed in whole or part through the version of the database served through this website; if data is available, links are provided for access. Screen capture images of the original DataEase query structure and report format demonstrate visually the conception of the query and sometimes contain valuable explanatory comments; many of these are composite images made through scrolling due to the limitations of the DataEase application native display of 400 x 600 pixels. A PDF of the original DataEase query definition printout offers another informative view by combining both query conditions and the 80 character per line report format.
In the original DataEase software application, a query procedure was devised in two parts. The first was the composition of the search formula in the DataEase query language, invoking relationships between tables and columns to produce a result set.This was often done in conjunction with field filters or delimiters that made use of descriptive systems defined in certain tables whose function was to serve as a list, such as terms for architectural project type (e.g., Database JGDB10 Table CATEGORY OF WORK) or abbreviations related to personal or professional roles (e.g., Database JGDB10 Table MMTFID). The second part of the query structure was the layout of a report format. Based on the printer technology of the 1990s, the reports had an 80 character per line limit and a fixed spacing that left blank areas when no data was returned.
The query procedures can be divided into __ types that show a range of search strategies which evolved over time. Some developed from previous versions to provide different views or report layouts of the same data. As the database grew in size, others came to be limited through manually input variables in order to provide quicker or more specific result sets. Sometimes, possibly due to application updates, procedures ceased to function and could crash the DataEase application. In Database JGDBFULL, __ procedures did not function by the 2010s. In Database JGDB10, __ procedures no longer worked. Geiger rebuilt some of these under the same or variant title, but the second or occasionally third version may not be identical to the first one as he worked to resolve whatever issue was causing failure by making structural changes.
Frank Lloyd Wright drawings, Taliesin community
Library inventories, means of searching for particular types.
Variability in report size to the 80 character limitation; some are one to a few pages; others result in hundreds or thousands of printed pages. -----have to decide about how the historical versus the available now is related. Desribe what was, see what is available in the archival boxes of older printouts,