The structure of this table was designed to record bibliographic and other information about publications and archival materials collected by John Geiger in his library holdings.
Note: The column labels shown within the table structures are historical references only, and do not reflect the definitions used within the version of the database being served through the website.
Table MMJGBKLB contains 1,466 rows arranged in 40 columns.
Entries record bibliographic detail about books, periodicals, ephemera, and manuscripts kept by John Geiger for both research and personal memory. Inventory information such as date of purchase, cost, condition, recent valuation, and number of copies may be present. The structure allows for diverse forms of search, including author, title, publisher, Dewey Decimal or Library of Congress classification, International Standard Book Number, printed or archival format, subject heading, condition, various dates, and other bibliographic references.
Columns for subject description, such as [SUBJECT], [SUBJECT2], [SUBJECT3A], etc., create opportunities to assign multiple categories to a given source material through choice lists, though the content is usually not consistent with bibliographic authority and columns may rely on concatenation with one another to be read completely. Columns [SORTI], [SORTII, [SORTIII], and [SORTIV] are not extensively developed, but allow for queries on works with multiple authors, especially the names of volume editors.
Some columns are used intermittently or irregularly. In processing this table for use through the website, columns [ISBN] and [ISBN2] have been combined. Columns [TITLE2], [TITLE3], [TITLE4] and [TITLE5] were created as separate columns due to original field length restrictions in DataEase, and are now concatenated to produce a full title. Additional changes have been made to the version presented on the website, including a notation of books or other materials that are included in the Geiger collection.
This table provides lookup relationships for a column of Table Inconographics2.
Database Search
The content of this table is accessible through the version of the database available on the website.
Document: DataEase table definition printout (PDF)
Column: [RECORD#] records a unique numerical identifier for each row in the table.
Column: [SWEENEYNO] records a number for a specific book from Frank Lloyd Wright: An Annotated Bibliography, by Robert L. Sweeney.
Column: [LOCATION] records an abbreviation for storage locations within the Geiger apartment. See the DataEase Table Definition Printout, above, for the choice list.
Column: [ONHAND] records a count of the number of copies on hand.
Column: [DATE OF PURCHASE] records an acquisition date in month/day/year format. Entries are possibly unreliable.
Column: [YEARPUBLISH] records year of publication.
Column: [EDITION] records edition number.
Column: [COST] records in dollars or British pounds sterling the original purchase cost.
Column: [RETAIL] records a value in dollars for replacement cost or resale value at a later time.
Column: [TOTALRETAIL] records in dollars the value of Column [ONHAND] multiplied by Column [RETAIL].
Column: [SUBJECTID] records a term indicating type of publication from a choice list:
Column: [CODE] records a number from the Dewey Decimal Classification System (e.g., 720 for Architecture).
Column: [CODE2] records additional numbers for the Dewey Decimal class provided in Column [CODE].
Column: [CODE3] is void of entries in all rows.
Column: [ISBN] records an International Standard Book Number.
Column: [ISBN2] records an International Standard Book Number.
Column: [ISSN] records an International Standard Serial Number.
Column: [LC] records a Library of Congress Control Number.
Column: [AUTHOR1] records an author name in "last name, first name" format.
Column: [Condition 1/5] records a number from 1 to 5 to indicate condition of the book or item. The upper and lower values of the scale are unknown, and entries are present in very few rows.
Column: [TITLE2] records the primary or main part of a publication title.
Column: [TITLE3] records additional components of a publication title.
Column: [TITLE4] records additional components of a publication title.
Column: [TITLE5] records additional title components of a publication title.
Column: [PUBLISHER6] records the publisher or source name.
Column: [COMMENTS7] records incidental details or commentary by John Geiger.
Column: [SUBJECT] records a subject heading from the following choice list:
Column: [SUBJECT1] records a subject description from the following choice list:
Column: [SUBJECT2] records additional descriptions similar to and possibly concatenated with Column [SUBJECT1].
Column: [SUBJECT22] records categories of work (e.g. "autobiography," "oral history," "synonyms," and "rhetoric").
Column: [SUBJECT 3] records descriptions, including personal or institutional names, geographical locations, and bibliograhic subject headings.
Column: [SUBJECT32] records additional descriptions possibly concatenated with Column [SUBJECT3].
Column: [SUBJECT3A] records a variety of descriptions, including personal names, addresses, and freeform subject headings.
Column: [SUBJECT32A] records additional descriptions possibly concatenated with Column [SUBJECT3A].
Column: [SUBJECT 4] records a note of Geiger review from the following choice list:
Column: [SUBJECT42] records a note of whether Geiger responded to a review of a book through his correspondence. Few entries.
Column: [SORT I] records a personal name in "last name, first name" format. Entries may concatenate with Columns [SORT II] and [SORTIII] to indicate multiple editors of a book.
Column: [SORT II] records a personal name in "last name, first name" format, usually with the notation of "editor". Entries may concatenate with Columns [SORT I] and [SORTIII] to indicate other editor names or author of an introduction found in the publication. Few entries.
Column: [SORT III] records a personal name in "last name, first name" format, usually with the notation of "editor". Entries may concatenate with Column [SORT I] and [SORTII] to indicate other editor names or author of an introduction found in the publication. Few entries.
Column: [SORT IV] records the name of an institution. 1 entry.
The data in this table is referenced in 31 query procedures devised by Geiger.