The structure of this table was designed to record financial information for issues of the Journal of the Taliesin Fellows (JTF).

Note: The column labels shown within the table structures are historical references only, and do not reflect the definitions used within the version of the database being served through the website.


Table MMTF/JOURNAL/COST contains 25 rows arranged in 42 columns.

Entries record production costs and run values for Issues #1-26 of the JTF, although information is most complete for Issues #18-26.

This table provides lookup relationships for columns of Table COSTINTHEMAIL, and relies on lookup relationships with columns of Tables MMTFEVENTMAILERCOST, TFGRAPHICCOSTS, TFEDITORIALCOSTS, and TFPRINTINGCOSTS.

Database Search

The content of this table is not accessible through the version of the database available on the website.


JGDBFULL Table MMTFJournalCost  image

Document: DataEase table definition printout (PDF)


Column: [JOURNAL ISSUE #] records the issue number of the JTF.

Column: [ISSUETITLE] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [LIST1] records the string "Miscellanous Costs" in all rows through field calculation.

Column: [PREP1] records a number through lookup on a row value of Column [COST] of Table MMTFEVENTMAILERCOST.

Column: [LIAT1A] (sic) is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [PREP1A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [LIST2] records the string "Graphic Costs" in all rows through field calculation.

Column: [PREP2] records a dollar amount through lookup on a row value of Column [COST] of Table TFGRAPHICSCOST.

Column: [LIST2A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [PREP2A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [LIST3] records the string value "Editorial Costs" in all rows through field calculation.

Column: [PREP3] records a dollar value through lookup on a row value of Column [COST] of Table TFEDITORIALCOSTS.

Column: [LIST3A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [PREP3A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [LIST4] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [PREP4] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [LIST4A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [PREP4A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [LIST5] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [PREP5] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [LIST5A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [PREP5A] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [TOTAL PREP COST] records a dollar value for total pre-printing costs for an issue of the JTF through calculation formula. See Table Definition Printout, above.

Column: [BUDGET PREP] records the value "0" in all rows; intended as calculation formula. See Table Definition Printout, above.

Column: [PRINTING COST] records number through lookup on a row value of Column [TOTALCOSTJOURNAL] of Table TFPRINTINGCOSTS.

Column: [BUDGET PRINT] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [TOTAL COST] records a number by using the calculation formula of Column [TOTAL PREP COST] added to Column [PRINTING COST].

Column: [BUDGETTOTAL] records the value "0" in all rows.

Column: [MAILCOST] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [BUDGETMAILCOST] is void of entries in all rows.

Column: [TOTALCOST3] records a number by using the calculation formula of Column [TOTAL COST] added toColumn [MAILCOST].

Column: [TOTALCOST4] records the value "0" in all rows; intended as a calculation formula of Column [BUDGETOTAL] added to Column [BUDGETMAILCOST]

Column: [NUMBER OF PAGES] records the number of printed pages in an issue of the JTF.

Column: [COST PER PAGE] records a number resulting from the division of Column [TOTAL COST] by Column [NUMBER OF PAGES].

Column: [QUANTITY PRINTED] records the number of copies printed in the run of an issue of the JTF.

Column: [INITIAL QUANTITY MA] records a number for intial quantity mailed for an issue of the JTF.

Column: [INITIAL RESERVE] records a number by calculation formula substrating Column [INITIAL QUANTITY MA] from Column [QUANTITY PRINTED].

Column: [RESERVE COPIES TOTAL] records a number representing asset value of remaining copies of an issue of the JTF by multplying Column [INITIAL RESERVE] by Column [COST2].

Column: [COST2] records a number representing the production cost for a single issue of the JTF.

Column: [MAILED COPIES TOTAL] records a number representing the total cost of copies mailed for an issue of the JTF through calculation formula of multiplying Column [INITIAL QUANTITY MA] by Column [COST2]

Column: [COST1] records a number by calculation formula of Column [MAILED COPIES TOTAL] divided by Column [INITIAL QUANTITU MA].

Column: [TOTAL COST2] records a number through calculation formula of Column [RESERVE COPIES TOTAL] added to Column [MAILED COPIES TOTAL].


This table is not referenced directly in any of the query procedures devised by Geiger.