The structure of this table was designed to produce an extensive profit and loss analysis for the Journal of the Taliesin Fellows (JTF).

Note: The column labels shown within the table structures are historical references only, and do not reflect the definitions used within the version of the database being served through the website.


Table JTFPROFITLOSS contains 13 rows arranged in 64 columns.

Entries record financial information for Issues #13/14-25 of the JTF to offer a complex view of elements bearing on the profitability of the publication. The many components tracked include number of copies produced, mailed, and lost or damaged by both unit and aggregate cost; overall production expenses and number of pages; wholesale and retail inventory values; number of issues sent to active or lapsed members of the Taliesin Fellows as well as other subscribers; revenue from retail sales; and miscellaneous distribution income and costs. All of this information was resolved into the report format; see commented notes in the Dataease Form Screen image, below.

The table relies on lookup relationships with columns of Tables MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Database Search

The content of this table is not accessible through the version of the database available on the website.


JGDBFULL Table JTFProfitLoss  image

Document: DataEase table definition printout (PDF)


Column: [ISSUE#] records the number of an issue of the JTF.

Column: [NUMBEROFPAGES] records the number of pages in an issue of theJTF  through lookup on row value of Column [#PAGES] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [SUBJECT] records a descriptive text concerning the main story item(s) in an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [LEAD STORY] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [MEMBERSMAILED] records the number of JTF issues mailed to members of the Taliesin Fellows through lookup on row value of Column [QTYMEMBER] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [28UNITRETAIL] records a dollar value of $12.50 subscriber contribution perJTF issue through field calculation. Value is identical in all rows. See "Note [1]" in Dataease Form Screen image, above.

Column: [31REVENUE3] records a dollar value for the total revenue received from an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [REVENUE3] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [UNIT COST] records a dollar value for the per unit cost of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [COST1X] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [23TOTALCOST1X] records a dollar value for the total production run cost for an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALCOST1X] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL1] records a dollar value for profit or loss for an issue of the JTF through field calcuation by subtracting Column [23TOTALCOST1X] from Column [31REVENUE3].

Column: [NONMEMBERSMAILED] records the number of copies of a JTF issue mailed to non-members of the Taliesin Fellows through lookup on row value of Column [QTYNONMBR] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [MAILEDTOLAPSEDMBR] records a dollar value related to copies of a JTF issue mailed to lapsed members of the Taliesin Fellows through lookup on row value of Column [COST22X] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [24TOTALCOST2X] records a dollar value through lookup on row value of Column [24TOTALCOST2X] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL2] records a dollar value representing financial loss on an issue of the JTF through field calculation by subtracting the row value of Column [24TOTALCOST2X] from 0.

Column: [QUANTITYONHAND] records a number of remaining run copies for an issue of the JTF through lookup on a row value of Column[RESERVE] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [UNITCOST3] records a dollar value per overrun copy of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [COST2] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [26TOTALCOST3X] records the dollar value of overruns for an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column[TOTALCOST3X] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL3] records a dollar value representing financial loss on overrun issues of the JTF through field calculation by subtracting the row value of Column [26TOTALCOST3X] from 0.

Column: [TOTAL] records the total number of copies printed in the run of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [QUANTITYX] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [33REVENUE4] records the total revenue received from an issue of the JTF through field calculation on row value of Column [31REVENUE3].

Column: [27TOTALTOTALCOST] records the total production cost of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALTOTALCOST] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [34PP] records a dollar value representing profit or loss for an issue of the JTF through field calculationsubtracting row values of Column [27TOTALTOTALCOST] from Column [33REVENUE4].

Column: [OVERRUNCOST] records a cost value per overrun copy of an issue of the JTF through field calculation on row value of Column [UNITCOST3].

Column: [OVERRUNCOST2] records a cost value per overrun copy of an issue of the JTF through field calculation on row value of Column [UNITCOST3].

Column: [MEMBERSMAILED3] records the number of JTF issues mailed to members of the Taliesin Fellows through field calculation on row value of Column [MEMBERSMAILED].

Column: [PROFIT/LOSSINCOMESTA] records a number representing financial profit or loss for an issue of the JTF through field calculation on row value of Column [34PP].

Column: [36QUANTITYDISTRIBUTE] records a number related to distribution, possibly overrun copies, of an issue of the JTF.

Column: [58UNITRETAUL] records a presumed $12.50 subscriber contribution per JTF issue through field calculation on row value of Column [28UNITRETAIL].

Column: [62ASSETS] records a number representing the retail value of copies of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [ASSETS] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [43COST1] records a number representing production cost of a single issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [COST] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [50TOTALCOST1] records a dollar value through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALCOST1] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL4] records a dollar value representing asset value of an issue of the JTF through field calculation by subtracting row values of Column [5-TOTALCOST1] from Column [62ASSETS]

Column: [37QTYSINGLEISSUES] records a number related to distribution of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TQTYSINGLEISSUESOLD] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [59UNITINCOME2] records a number representing subscriber contribution to cost of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [UNITINCOME2] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [62SINGLECOPIESSOLD] records a number relating to retail sales of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [ASSETS2] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [44COSTSINGLEISSUE] records a number representing the production cost of a single issue of the JTF  through lookup on row value of Column [COSTSINGLEISSUEMAIL] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [51TOTALSINGLEISSUES] records a number through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALSGLISSUECOST] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL5] records a number representing asset value for an issue of the JTF  through field calculation of subtracting row values of Column [62SINGLECOPIESSOLD] from Column [51TOTALSINGLEISSUES].

Column: [38QTYWHOLESALE] records the number of retail sales for an issue of the JTF. through lookup on row value of Column [TQTYSOLD] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [60UNITINCOME3] records the retail cost of an issue of the JTF [$5.00] through lookup on row value of Column [UNIT INCOME3] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [64WHOLESALESOLD] records the total income from retail sales of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [ASSETS3] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [45COST2] records a number representing the production cost for a single issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [COST2] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [52WHOLESALESOLD] records a number representing the production cost for the run of an issue of JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALCOST2] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL6] records a number representing profit from retail sales of an issue of the JTF through field calculation of subtracting row values of Column [64WHOLESALESOLD] from Column [52WHOLESALESOLD].

Column: [39TQYHANDOUT] (sic) records a number representing copies on hand of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TQTYPR] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [46COST22] records a number representing the production cost for a single issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [COST22] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [53PRHANDOUTCOST] records a number representing the distribution cost for an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALPRCOST] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL7] records a dollar value through field calculation by subtracting the row value of Column [53PRHANDOUTCOST] from 0.

Column: [40PRMAILED] records a number related to distribution of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column[TQTYPR2] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [47COST222] records a cost value related to an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column[COST222] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [54PRMAILEDCOST] records the total cost of a subscriber mailing of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALPR2COST] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL8] record a dollar value for profit and loss through field calculation by subtracting the row value of Column [54PRMAILEDCOST] from 0.

Column: [41DAMAGED] records a number related to damaged copies of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TQYDAMAGED] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [48COST24] records a dollar value related through lookup on row value of Column[COST24] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [55TOTALDAMAGEDCOST] records the total cost of damaged copies of an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALDMCOST] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [PL9] records a dollar value through field calculation by subtracting the row value of Column [55TOTALDAMAGEDCOST] from 0.

Column: [68MISCELLANEOUSINCOM] records an amount of miscellaneous income for an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [MISC] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [35TOTALQTY] records a number regarding distribution of copies of an issue of the JTF through complex field calculation; see DataEase Table Definition printout, above.

Column: [66TOTALASSETS] records an asset value of overrun copies of an issue of the JTF through complex field calculation; see DataEase Table Definition printout, above.

Column: [57TOTALLIABILITIES] records a number representing cost liabilities for an issue of the JTF through complex field calculation; see DataEase Table Definition printout, above.

Column: [69PLSUBSTOTAL] records a profit or loss for an issue of the JTF through field calculation by subtracting row values of Column[57TOTALLIABILITIES] from Column [66TOTALASSETS].

Column: [70PROFITLOSSGRANDTOT] records a number presenting overall profit or loss for an issue of the JTF through field calculation by adding row values of Column [PROFIT/LOSINCOMESTA] and Column [69PLSUBTOTAL].

Column: 42QTYOH] records a number presenting quantity on hand through field calculation by subtracting row values of Column [35TOTALQTY] from Column [QUANTITYONHAND].

Column: [61COST23] records a cost value related to an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [COST23] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.

Column: [65COSTONHAND] records a cost value related to an issue of the JTF through lookup on row value of Column [TOTALOHCOST] of Table MMTFPUBLICATIONREC.


This table is not referenced directly in any of the query procedures devised by Geiger.