Title: Takanawa no kihan
Title Translation: Returning sails at Takanawa
Date: [Between 1844 and 1848] |
Title: Chiryū
Title Translation: Name of a station on the Tōkaidō Road
Date: [Between 1848 and 1854] |
Title: Ejiri
Title Translation: Name of a station on the Tōkaidō Road
Date: [Between 1848 and 1854] |
Title: Fujisawa
Title Translation: Name of a station on the Tōkaidō Road
Date: [Between 1848 and 1854] |
Title: Futagawa
Title Translation: Name of a station on the Tōkaidō Road
Date: [Between 1848 and 1854] |
Title: Nihonbashi akebono no zu
Title Translation: Dawn at Nihonbashi Date: [Between 1848 and 1854] |
Title: Totsuka
Title Translation: Name of a station on the Tōkaidō Road
Date: [Between 1848 and 1854] |
Title: Yui
Title Translation: Name of a station on the Tōkaidō Road
Date: [Between 1848 and 1854] |
Title: Hanaikada
Title Translation: Flower petals sprinkling a raft
Date: [Between 1848 and 1858] |