Fellowship Role Classifications

John Geiger created a system of 40 identifying abbreviations, often joined together to reflect several functions or relationships, to classify the roles performed by individuals who were Apprentices or otherwise involved in the extended Taliesin community and activities of the Taliesin Fellows organization. Of these, approximately 20 categories apply directly to the Taliesin Fellowhip. Some searches are based on groupings of abbreviations used frequently by Geiger, while others access the individual categories without concatenation.

Role Classifications List

Original Apprentices [Identification code "OP"] (26 records)
This search produces a list of individuals who were founding members of the Taliesin Fellowship in 1932.

Taliesin Fellowship residents [Identification code "TF"] (945 records)
This search produces a list of individuals with known periods of residence in the Taliesin Fellowship.

Honorary Fellows [Identification code "HF"] (40 records)
This search produces a list of individuals known to have worked for Frank Lloyd Wright prior to the founding of the Taliesin Fellowship. This list should not be considered as a complete listing of Wright studio staff.

Taliesin Men [Identification code "TM"] (11 records)
This search produces a list of individuals whose presence in the Wright studio overlaps the founding of the Taliesin Fellowship.

Gurdjieff Participants [Identification code "GD"] (44 records)
This search produces a list of individuals who participated in the study of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff writings and movements with Olgivanna Lloyd Wright. A note by John Geiger clarifies this category as" Gurdjieff People" from Mrs. Wright's group. Not apprentice."

Transient Residents [Identification code "MU"] (28 records)
This search produces a list of individuals recorded as transitory residents (e.g. musicians, craftspeople, artists).

Taliesin West residents [Identification code "TW"] (34 records)
This search produces a list of individuals recorded as living primarily at Taliesin West at some point in time.

Associates Not In Residence [Identification code "AS"] (34 records)
This search produces a list of individuals recorded as associates of Frank Lloyd Wright not in residence (e.g., architects, writers, or furniture makers).