John Geiger applied 72 categories of purpose to 1,125 Frank Lloyd Wright commissions. Classifications include 18 types of housing, 17 forms of civic buildings including churches, 29 terms for commercial structures, and 7 kinds of site planning, with other categories for decorative accessories, farm buildings, and site improvements. The categories of "Automobile" and "Patent" have been added to include in the results several types of projects not categorized by Geiger.

Type of Occupancy Category HOUSING/Residential/Outbuildings

Gate and Gatehouse for Hillside, Taliesin Fellowship Complex, project [Spring Green, Wisconsin] (1936)

Note: The following information concerning this project represents original research and analysis by John Geiger, and is based in his long and detailed study of the Frank Lloyd Wright literature as well as personal contacts with members of the Taliesin Fellowship and architectural historians. In addition, he added his own categories of building type and compositional form, as well as other points of consideration that he deemed important to understanding of the design.

Name of client: Wright, Frank Lloyd.

Sobriquet or alternative place name: None.

Design Status (as of 2011): Executed.

Occupancy form or use: HOUSING/Residential/Outbuildings.

Principal building materials: Not assigned.

Number of drawings for this project detailed in the database: 2.

Drawing Number and Description

3610.002     Floor plan and elevations
3610.003     Perspective

Notes And References

Comments by John Geiger and/or sources of attribution (a) It is hard to tell from thsse drawings where this building is located. Geiger 04/16/10.

Note: The information shown above is collected from a series of data table columns intended originally to record not only comments or notes, but also to cite sources of attribution for dates assigned to the various stages of drawing preparation in the design process. As with any primary archival source material, the references and sources of attribution shown here should be consulted where possible to affirm the data provided.

This commission is referenced and/or illustrated in the following publications:

Pfeiffer, Bruce Brooks. Frank Lloyd Wright: The Complete Works 1917-1942 (Volume 2). Cologne, Germany: Taschen. [ISBN: 978-3-8365-0926-8].