Frank Lloyd Wright commissions


Frank Lloyd Wright had 685 known clients.  A given client may have commissioned one or several projects from the architect. This search approach sorts Wright projects alphabetically by the last name of the client, and provides links to project information and all related project drawings detailed in the database. Wright also produced a great deal of work for his own purposes, essentially as his own client. References to the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio in Oak Park, Illinois, Taliesin estate at Spring Green, Wisconsin, and Taliesin West in Scottsdale, Arizona, as well as other more temporary residences and studios (e.g., Chicago, New York, Italy, Tokyo, Japan) will be found indexed under his own name.

Frank Lloyd Wright Project Drawing Detail

Jacobs, Herbert

House for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jacobs 2, "Solar Hemicycle" [Middleton, Wisconsin] (1944)

Drawing: First floor plan

Frank Lloyd Wright Archives Drawing Inventory Number: 4812.??1

Note: Drawing number assignments shown without question marks are compliant with the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives drawing inventory as of 2011. Drawing number assignments with question marks may represent attempts by John Geiger to order chronologically Wright project drawings which appeared in publications or are held in other collections within the master sequence of the Wright Archives inventory.

Drawing held by: Frank Lloyd Wright Archives.

Drawing Type: Working Drawings.

Scale: Not given.
Media: Paper, unspecified.

Drawing measurements: Not recorded.
Drawing signed by Frank Lloyd Wright: No.

Notes and comments: (a) I assume this drawing was made for publication purposes. It is defined by the strong black and white appearance and probablu drawn long after the original prelininary drawings. It look like Jack Howe''s work. John W. Geiger12/24/01

Bibliographic Citations

Appears as a black-and-white illustration [Figure or plate 16.5, page 130] in Sprague, Paul E. (editor), Frank Lloyd Wright and Madison: Eight Decades of Artistic and Social Interaction (Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin, 1990).

Appears as a black-and-white illustration [Figure or plate 8-39, page 290] in Aguar, Charles E. and Berdeanna, Wrightscapes: Frank Lloyd Wright''s Landscape Designs (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002). Note by John Geiger: Altered by Aguar to show winter, spring and summer declionations.